PIXEL[13] is a french multidisciplinary and multi-shaped artistic collective whose global approach decompartmentalizes disciplines and publics through contextualized site specific works, fed by a continuous reflection on urbanity, public spaces,  territories and their inhabitants.

Both cultural structure and art in public space company, PIXEL[13] develops since 1998 a global project of wareness to the urban fact, the architecture and the territories. PIXEL[13] works operate in constant interaction with the cultural and social field, mixing disciplines : arts in public space / visual and plastic actions / scenography / audiovisual, documentary and multimedia creation/ live performances …

PIXEL [13] is installed since 2001 in Marseille, at la Friche Belle de Mai. Since 2009, the structure have also developed its project on rural territories by the opening of a place of work and residence : Quartier Général in Busséol (Auvergne / France).

PIXEL [13] invents, implements and sustains devices.

The artistic work of PIXEL[13] is based on several basic principles :

> Experimenting public spaces in the broadest sense, including areas of speaking, medias, manufacturing of image, architecture …

> Questioning the living environments in all their dimensions, opening avenues for reflection on the territory (urban / rural), landscapes, humanities (philosophy, anthropology …).

> Producing a contextualized creation : as the architecture project, each new creation remains different from previous ones and fits the physical and the social contexts in which it participates.

> Placing transdisciplinarity, decompartmentalization, artistic encounter, human exchanges, conviviality, transmission and experimentation in the heart of the creative process.

Pixel [13] works reclaim registration to some situationist and relational aesthetics.

Pixel [13] did projects in France, Spain, Southern Korea, Egypt, Liban, Tunisia, Greece, Moldavia and Romania

As an experimental laboratory of research by action on our frames of living, Pixel [13] also operates in the creation of its own intervention contexts in France and abroad.

art en espace public et sensibilisation à l'architecture